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Performing Corporeality within and between Tradition and Modernization
National Science Council School of Dance, Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA)
Research project conducted by 林亞婷 Prof. LIN, Ya-Tin in collaboration with 趙綺芳 Prof. CHAO, Chi-Fang, 薩爾穆吉揚托 Prof. Sal Murgiyanto
Assistant: 顏寧, 王年愷Kevin Wang、鄞廷安TingAn Ying
download the final report (EN/CN)
Dance, as the focus of this research, vividly embodies the expressive culture of each society, passed down from generation to generation. Yet in the age of globalization, due to internal and external factors, societies are faced with the challenge to preserve or transform their cultural heritage. Such preservation, transformation and recreation of dance resonate with how communities are faced with the issues of tradition and modernization as well as self-identity.
Rituals and festivals enhance the communal spirit of a society further performing a collective autobiography of the community through their bodies. (Turner 1990) Our project is grounded on the foundation of each researcher’s individual ethnographic studies, then through further literary overview and analysis, form important issues relevant to all our areas of study, thus conducing empirical short-term fieldwork based on our respective chosen rituals and festivals.
During our fieldworks, other than gathering information through participant observation and interviews, in addition to film recordings, we also seek to create dialogues with local cultural specialists to deepen our understanding. At the later stage of material analysis and ethnographic write up, follow up contact can then be made through internet and other forms of communication. We have also invited a group of international scholars as our advisory board, since this project entails various different geographic and cultural regions.
Our project hopes to achieve the following goal during this three-year period:
1. Research and analyze traditional rituals of Asia (focusing on Indonesia and Okinawa) in terms of their organization models and transformation
2. Research and analyze contemporary festivals from island Asia (focusing on Indonesia) and their organization models, criteria, and strategies.
3. Research and analyze the diasporic island Asia’s issues of cultural identity through their manifestations through festivals.
4. Research and analyze international dance festivals from sinophone communities within Asia, as well as their organization, operations, and strategies.
5. Based on the above research goals, our team of dance scholars hopes to provide future festival organizers in Taiwan with a basis for comparison in terms of the development of ritual/festivals, and to provide possible solutions and basis for dialogue and further networking across related disciplines in our region.
To summarize, this study starts out from our current time, and looks into the various modes of operation and ways of organization of these various rituals and festivals across different cultural background, in order to provide various possible solutions or basis for dialogue and further networking.
這項研究計畫旨在以台灣為比較的中心位置,探查亞太地區舞蹈節慶的獨有特 質,從而提出批判性的分析,以提供台灣本地節慶研究者與策劃者進一步的參 考。由北鄰的日本,到南鄰的印尼、馬來西亞、和新加坡,台灣與這些島國共享 相似的背景—外來與自己本土文化的混雜,因此也產生了能夠類比台灣經驗的複 雜層次。是故這項研究將以台灣為中心,由三位研究者共同進行當代島嶼亞洲祭 儀與節慶的比較。比較的範圍涵蓋東北至東南亞的島嶼區域的異文化群體(印尼 沖繩、馬來西亞),以及此區域中不同國家華人社群。 本項研究的比較將以舞蹈為核心。作為一種身體表現文化,舞蹈生動地再現了社 群基於代代相傳的傳統所形塑的認同,然而在全球化的時代,受到外在和內部的 影響,社群不可避免地面對保存或改變本身文化遺產的挑戰。因此舞蹈的保存、 演變和創發,呼應了社群面對傳統與現代的觀點及自我詮釋,而祭儀或節慶則延 續社群聯結性角色,吸引並召聚相關群體,以身體展演完成一場集體自傳。(Turner 1990) 本研究將以研究者過去所進行的民族誌研究為基礎,首先進行文獻回顧和分析, 擬定重要的問題與探討方向,進而針對特定的祭儀/節慶進行實徵式(empirical) 的短期田野調查。在田野調查期間,除了內部文獻之蒐集,將策略性地採取密集 的參與觀察、影像紀錄、亦將於有限的時間內爭取文化專家進行深度訪談或焦點 群體訪談。而在後續的資料整理與分析中,如有不足之處,也將透過網路進行補 遺。由於本研究所涉及亞洲社群相當多元,本研究計畫邀請相關學者與專家擔任 計畫諮詢。 本研究期望透過為期三年研究,達成下列之目的: 1. 研究並分析島嶼亞洲(主要以沖繩與印尼為例)傳統祭儀的組織模式與變貌; 2. 研究並分析島嶼亞洲(主要以印尼為例)當代節慶的組織、經營模式與策略; 3. 研究並分析島嶼亞洲離散社群的認同性節慶其組織、經營模式與策略; 4. 研究並分析亞洲華人社群國際舞蹈節之組織、經營模式與策略; 5. 綜合上述研究之成果建立祭儀/節慶的發展模式以供未來台灣相關政策參考 或研究比較。