Let me speak your language
Research projcet (2021)
Oral history, body archive, identity, migratioiin
...literally nobody looks like this pink or blue.
Ventriloquism: let me speak your language is an invitation to my interviewees to compose
the narratives of their life stories together. It’s a choreo/graphy project, using interviews as
the format, aiming to create an intersection of people and their stories AND people and other
people’s stories. I intentionally invite people who as well as me look different, eat different,
speak different and celebrate differently from the majority of people that are around us here
in western europe.
Shared experience of feeling different from the majority, makes us often speak and
experience in a we form. This unity is essentially suggested by its opponent, the whiteness,
for a questionable long time. What exactly makes us experience this we form? What is
whiteness? Are “we” the non-whiteness? What is whiteness and non-whiteness in the dance
world? What is the real experience?
As the author/interviewer of this project, I would like to disclose individualities from its
parlance along a list of structured questions. Reclaiming the space that allows personal
narratives beyond categorization and stereotype, and therefore decolonising our identities.